Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Importance of Sexual Purity

I lead a pure life sexually. I mean no sex until marriage, no fooling around with girls of any kind, and the most extreme: no kissing. That’s right. Make fun of me if you want. I have never kissed a girl before. Nope. Never. Right now, I’m sure if you have never heard me say this before, you are thinking I must be gay. Well, I have news for you: IM NOT! I am a red-blooded, conservative, heterosexual, lusting guy and I have never kissed a girl. Now you are wondering, "well, if he's not gay, then why the heck would he not want to make out." Ya, I know. I’ve heard that I’m "missing out" on a whole lot of fun. But you know what? I don’t care. Don’t know what its like, so I’m not really missing out on it. But why do I do it? Well, why not. I’m gonna get married some day and my wife will feel soooo special just by the fact that she is the first girl I ever kissed. Why not save everything possible for your wife. Ya, I know it is a little bit extreme, but, hey, I’m willing to be extreme for my wife. Also, I’m deathly afraid of myself. Ya, that’s right. I am afraid of myself and what would happen if I gave myself the opportunity to bend the sexual boundaries I have put up. Hey, like I said before, I’m a red-blooded, conservative, heterosexual, lusting guy. I am afraid that if I give myself an inch, I will take a mile. Think about it this way: I don’t have to worry about screwing up and having sex before I am married if kissing is the boundary line that I refuse to cross. So even if I do screw up, I am still for the most part pure for my wife. So for my life, screwing up in purity doesn’t mean that I slept with some chick; it just means that I kissed someone and frankly, I can live with that on my wedding night. Besides, I am the bride of Christ and he romances me. He is all that I really need and to be honest, He is so much better than the best sex you will ever have! So why would I want to be a whore and go out and cheat on Him with all kinds of women, my wife aside? The number one thing to know about us is that we should not soil ourselves so constantly with this sex (or whatever it is) because the truth is that our bodies don’t belong to us. You say that "it's my body; I'll do what I want with it." Well, you're wrong! Your body is not your own (I Corinthians 6). Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit of God. So I treat God's temple with respect by not corrupting it with sex, drugs, and alcohol. So, call me crazy, message me telling me how much I’m missing out on, make fun of me to your buds, call me queer, whatever. I know that my wife (who just might be reading this right now) will respect it and think that it is probably the most romantic thing ever. So there. Take your comments and tell em to her... She'll tell you off. And its not just about being pure by abstaining from sex, we should also stay away from pornography. That’s right, looking at playboy magazines or clicking on elicit websites is a sin. Why? Jesus said that if you have ever lusted after a woman (that means thinking about her and fantasizing having sex with her) you have already committed adultery with her in your heart (Matthew 5:27-28). For unmarried people, that is pre-marital sex. Also, Job, whom God said was blameless, made the vow not to set anything unholy before his eyes and that if he did indeed lust, that other men would sleep with his wife. If a man who was called blameless in the sight of the Lord made a commitment like that and we are called to be holy as God in heaven is holy, don’t you think we should make a similar commitment? I believe so. Purity is so important to God and should be to us as well. If you are in a sexual relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you claim to be a Christian, you eventually put sex and/or your partner as an idol above the Lord (which would be one of the 10 Commandments). And when you think about it, that woman will one day be someone else’s spouse. If I told you that someone was fooling around or possibly even sleeping with your husband or wife, you would freak out. I would even go so far as to say that you would want to go beat the junk out of that person. Well, when you hook up with some chick or some guy, you are actually messing around with someone else’s wife/husband. Yeah. Purity is greatly important to us not only as Christians, but as humans, and we should always flee youthful lusts and abstain from all evil with our bodies, the temples of God. Can you imagine going into a church or St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Vatican (the Pope’s church) and spraying paint everywhere, ripping up the floors, breaking all the expensive sound junk, and urinating on the pulpit? NO! Then why do you do that to the real temple…your body?

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